Annual Report 2010 for MedEvent
Summary of Report of the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision 7/2011

In this report, we describe reports of adverse events that patients have experienced while receiving treatment from specialized health services and that have been reported to the supervision authorities in 2010:
- 2264 reports were registered in MedEvent i 2010 – more than for any previous year.
- The proportion of reports of incidents that have resulted in unnatural death has steadily increased over the last few years, but went down from 21 per cent ni 2009 to 16 per cent in 2010.
- There has been a positive development in the proportion of patients and relatives who were informed about the incident.
- There is large variation in reporting rates from different health trusts and regional health authorities
- Twenty-two per cent of reports registered in 2010 were from mental health services- Forty per cent of these were reports of unnatural death.
- The number of reports of unnatural death related to damage that patients had inflicted on themselves – suicide, possible suicide and overdoses – has steadily increased.
- Thirteen per cent of all reports registered in 2010 were related to use of medication, ten per cent were related to falls and eight per cent were about events related to births.