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The Norwegian Board of Health Supervision will use the report in connection with further developing its supervisory tasks.

A little over a year ago, the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision asked the members of EPSO to embark on a peer evaluation of the supervisory body, focusing principally on the following issues:

  • the extent to which the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision works in a manner that can be acknowledged as good supervisory practice.
  • evaluation of the methods used by the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision, and the extent to which results from supervisory activities are traceable.
  • pointing out possible areas for improvement and areas where further standard setting should be sought.


The report observes that the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision has sound frameworks in place that ensure that its supervisory tasks are of a high professional standard. The organisation is well liked and held in high regard among health professionals and organisations working in the field. The EPSO peer evaluation team commented favourably on the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision's openness and willingness to open itself to challenge and review, as well as the organisation's contributions to the evaluation process.

The EPSO evaluation team has made 26 recommendations as to where the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision should focus its ambitions. The peer evaluation team notes that the Norwegian supervisory body is not unique in needing to reflect on these recommendations. The team members themselves will use these recommendations as a starting point for discussions in their own organisations.